Here it is:’s grocery heart and soul in a little app.
This changes everything. Again.

(“Again”, because we launched on Nokia first!)
Tesco and Ribot present this powerful pocket of grocery home shopping to you now. We simply call it Tesco Groceries which says so much in so few words.
Oh, the decisiveness of purpose, passion for excellence and focus of hard work by so many people for a year to give birth to this little bundle of joy, the love child of and Ribot our mobile design and development partner….*
If you have iTunes on your computer, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, follow this link:
Walkthrough follows in the next article.
* Yes of course I’m sounding O.T.T. – this has been the centre of my working life for over a year now, so indulge me. Ribot have put their all into this little app and I salute them. Normal service will be resumed after a celebratory drink or two tonight methinks! What on earth shall I do tomorrow?! Oh yes, a Tesco presence on other smart-phone operating systems to come, especially now I’ve fallen back in love with my Nexus One again after its upgrade to Android 2.2. Anyway…